If your team is not yet using routine laser scan checks as part of your site supervision and progress-tracking strategy, then Imerso has the software for you

Construction managers are always looking for effective ways to track their projects. Imerso’s software solutions leverage BIM, Reality Capture, and AI technologies to automate site supervision workflows, and routinely track the onsite work quality and progress against the plans.

1. Accurate and detailed documentation at lightning speed

Imerso enables site teams to use 3D Laser Scanners entirely by themselves, without the need for expensive third-party services, and at much faster speed and convenience than traditional construction scanning workflows. In a matter of hours per week, a single user can capture every corner of the site.

This produces millimetre-accurate documentation in true-to-life 3D and dozens of 360 panorama images, letting teams track every stage of construction fast and efficiently.

2. Increasing profit margins and protecting your budget by eliminating costly surprises and delays

By leveraging unique As-built information in the form of 3D Scan data, Imerso detects a variety of issues impossible to find with other approaches, whether using manual checklists, photos, or 360 cameras.

This provides an unprecedented opportunity to resolve issues months in advance of any onsite complication, while the responsible teams are still at the site.

This unique risk mitigation approach uses automation to produce significant savings by eliminating avoidable expenses. In addition, it promotes a smooth handover from one team to the next, at every step through increased accountability and visibility for all teams.

3. Increase work productivity through automation

The truth is that nobody likes seeing their time wasted on ineffective and pointless tasks. Our customers want to see their efforts drive real value and measurable results and see that this in turn creates a rewarding work environment for all teams involved.

By making 3D laser scanning in construction so easy, Imerso users are documenting the onsite As-built conditions 53 times faster than their competitors who still rely on photos and manual checklists, while using only 2% of the resources.

Simultaneously, by automatically analysing every object captured in the scan data against the specification of the project plans, Imerso can instantly report on the work quality of completed works as well as the progress so far. Imerso users are seeing a 14-fold increase in labor efficiency onsite supervision tasks, while using less than 7% of the resources of other approaches.

4. Stop problems before they happen with AI predictions

Imerso’s AI technology also analyses whether the plans for upcoming installations still fit as predicted.

In other words, Imerso continuously checks that the building plans are still buildable, and produces alerts otherwise. This allows construction managers at leading contractors like AF Gruppen to stay ahead of costly surprises and solve problems before they happen, with an average cost-saving impact of over €15,000 per issue flagged by Imerso.

This proactive monitoring of the construction status allows not only saving avoidable costs, but even preventing disastrous compliance violations that could prevent the property from entering operations entirely, as it has done for a €1bn Danish hospital project.

5. Resolve issues faster with better site data

Teams like Byggstyrning, a leading project management and engineering firm that leverages pre-fabrication as a strategy to accelerate their projects, turned to Imerso to streamline their workflows and eliminate hassles and delays from their sites.

The team uses the data in the platform to plan and order materials on time as needed and resolve any issues in collaboration with their manufacturing partners well in advance of the elements being sent to the site.

In the past, only CAD engineers could really understand and analyse point clouds to detect future problems. With Imerso, we now have a fast and easy solution available to check the onsite reality directly against BIM. Onsite teams don’t need any knowledge of complex engineering CAD tools to run Imerso.

Johannes Ris, Project manager / CTO Byggstyrning

6. Expand your own team’s QC/QA abilities and compliance without costly external services

With Imerso, you can apply automated rules to verify work compliance with the DIN-18202 standard in seconds! This includes verifying flatness in roofings and floor slabs, surface levels of structural walls, verticality of columns, etc, at the press of a button.

7. Reduce site visits and idle time waiting for information

Imerso customers like Statsbygg saw a 50% decrease in the need to travel to the jobsite to get missing information, like context, work status, or measurements, while increasing the number of decisions in weekly ICE meetings through using the Imerso online digital twin.

Property owners like KLP Eiendom are even leveraging Imerso to deliver guided virtual visits to their jobsites to prospect customers, giving them an update on the state of construction and increasing customer involvement in their projects.

8. Eliminate guesswork and keep all your teams on the same page

Within two months of deploying Imerso at their sites, general contractor Per Aarsleff and their daughter company e.Klink saw impressive results:

From 15%, the teams are now checking 100% of all completed at their sites.
This significant boost came at no increase in time spent, in fact they saw a reduction in the onsite verification time.
The captured data helped their teams increase work productivity, while project risk went down.

9. Faster planning of refurbishments while cutting risk

One of the major challenges in refurbishing existing buildings is the lack of reliable documentation about their current conditions. Available documentation is typically outdated, as well as too low detailed to be used for planning purposes.

It would be ideal to capture the property’s conditions with 3D Laser Scanning prior to commencing the design, as this would allow to incorporate key building elements into the design basis from the get-go. But this is rarely done, since the building is often still occupied by a tenant, and the building must also be tripped down to expose the building fabric, which is otherwise hidden by drop ceiling tiles and other such installations.

As a result, fit-out contractors are forced to initiate design tasks prior to surveying the property, leaving uncertainty in the drawings and how those will affect the construction stage.

Imerso gives your teams two enormous advantages in refurbishment projects:

Easy and fast 3D Laser Scanning, to rapidly capture the As-built data as soon as possible, and
Automatic verification of the early design models against the real property, to detect and resolve mismatches well in advance of material purchasing and the start of construction.

10. Easy handover deliverables with auto as-built BIM

Imerso makes it easy for your teams to capture the As-build documentation fast, and effectively through laser scanning. Use this data to your advantage.

Your teams can keep BIM models automatically updated to any onsite changes as you build, and verify the actual As-Built reality within millimetre precision. Not only does this eliminate countless hours of manual modelling work through automation, it also saves headaches and stress at the final stages of the project.

This article was adapted from Imerso’s blog, which you can read in full here

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10 ways Imerso can benefit construction managers and their projects
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