The UK government announced its refreshed 2030 Geospatial Strategy, which will unlock billions of pounds in economic benefits and drive the use of location data

The renewed 2030 Geospatial Strategy builds on the 2020 paper to ensure that the UK stays at the forefront of evolving technology.

It will harness technologies, such as AI, satellite imaging and real-time data to boost location-powered innovation and drive the use of location data in property, transport, utilities and beyond.

The Geospatial strategy sets out three renewed missions

Embrace enabling technologies to accelerate geospatial innovation
Drive greater use of geospatial applications and insights across the economy
Build confidence in the future geospatial ecosystem

The new strategy will build on the work to roll out the National Underground Asset Register.

The NUAR hopes to be fully operational across England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the end of 2025.

Viscount Camrose, minister for AI and Intellectual Property, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, said: “Location data and technologies power our economy and our Geospatial Strategy 2030 will ensure the UK remains an innovating world leader, by building on our successes and harnessing new opportunities from rapidly evolving technologies.

“Our new strategy will grow our economy, embed the application of geospatial data in key decisions that affect our day-to-day lives while driving the private and public sector creativity needed to cement the UK’s status as a global science and technology superpower.”

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Government announces 2030 Geospatial Strategy
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