More than nine out of 10 tradespeople and contractors have been victims of theft, according to new research from NFU Mutual. For many, the loss of valuable tools, equipment and machinery is having a negative impact on their mental health

The fear of theft and violence is putting a strain on the mental health of tradespeople as crime continues to sweep through the industry.

According to research carried out by commercial insurer NFU Mutual in December, more than nine out of 10 tradespeople (92%) say they or someone they know have been a victim of theft.

In the last 12 months, more than half – 53% – had experienced tool or equipment theft, almost half had materials stolen and almost a third had a vehicle stolen. Nearly a quarter (23%) said they were victims of organised crime.

NFU Mutual said the figures are weighing heavily on those working in the construction industry, with 29% saying the fear of theft and violence on their business is contributing to difficulties with mental health.

Other key factors include the rising cost of living (42%), financial worries (41%), stress of the job (39%), long hours (35%) and a lack of regular work (33%).

Zoe Knight, commercial specialist at NFU Mutual, said: “Theft of tradespeople’s tools or equipment continues to blight the industry and the fact 92% of people surveyed say they – or someone they know – have been a victim speaks volumes.

“Tradespeople rely on this equipment for their income and livelihood, with crime hitting not just their pocket but, as our research shows, also having a huge and negative impact on their mental health.

“To see a third of tradespeople fearing theft or violence in their day-to-day job is worrying and we would urge tradespeople to do all they can to offput the threat of that happening – via security measures and recording serial numbers of equipment.

“We want tradespeople to feel supported and protected should the worst happen and know there is also help available for those struggling.”

Opening up about mental health

NFU Mutual’s survey shows that more than half of respondents believe that mental health isn’t spoken about openly in the industry.

While more than three-quarters of tradespeople did say they were confident or fairly confident they would know where to go for support if they were struggling, worryingly, almost four in 10 (36%) said it is unlikely they would seek help if they had mental health problems.

NFU Mutual is a proud supporter of Samaritans, a charity which offers round the clock emotional support to anyone struggling to cope.

Jason Jaspal, assistant director of business development at Samaritans, said: “Samaritans offers a listening ear and a safe space to share how you’re feeling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

“It’s vital that tradespeople reach out for support when they are finding life tough, rather than letting things build up and potentially reaching a crisis point. It doesn’t matter what they’re finding challenging, Samaritans is here so they don’t have to face things alone.”

How can you protect your site against the construction crimewave?

NFU Mutual Risk Management Services is sharing the following advice:

Minimise storage of tools and equipment in vans: A robust, lockable building is preferable. Consider intruder alarms for high value equipment.
If you have to leave tools and equipment in a van, make sure it’s alarmed and, as a minimum, park against a wall so that doors cannot be opened easily.
Don’t make it easy for thieves to guess that equipment is kept inside a van or a building by leaving items on display and leaving tools around which may assist an intruder.
Store portable items within a robust, lockable store that is fixed in place.
Restrict and control vehicular access to the work site.
Consider video security system (temporary systems and temporary intruder alarm systems are available for site use).
Security mark your tools and equipment (eg forensic, engraving or permanent marking) to deter thieves and aid recovery.
Don’t stockpile high value materials such as lead and copper or leave them around for longer than necessary.
For construction vehicles, use CESAR marking, tracking and immobilisation to prevent and trace thieves.
Check all locks and security measures before leaving any site, eg alarms switched on, cameras facing the right direction and security lights working.


Zoe Knight

Commercial specialist

NFU Mutual




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How a construction crimewave is impacting mental health
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