Quelfire, a leading player in firestopping solutions, is spearheading a transformative campaign and white paper that propels fire safety responsibilities to the forefront of the construction industry

Addressing the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and subsequent legislative shifts, Quelfire calls for early engagement, collaboration, and education, outlining best practices and fire safety responsibilities in a comprehensive guide aimed at professionals involved in service penetration seals.

The campaign emphasises the industry’s responsibility to recognise the significance of early engagement in firestopping and the selection of suitably tested details.

It also highlights the imperative for manufacturers to operate transparently, providing key information to all parties involved in building projects.

Quellfire’s white paper explores the importance of early engagement in fire safety

Following the campaign, Quelfire’s white paper delves into early engagement in more detail, exploring best practices that can save lives, reduce damage to a building and its contents in the event of a fire, and minimise construction delays and costs.

Early engagement is about collaborating with the relevant key stakeholders as early as the design stage to retain fire ratings of walls and floors.

This is achieved by appropriately sealing service penetrations with tested firestopping systems.

It is also about cross-party communication, sharing of information and competencies, and understanding a project’s requirements before build commences.

The white paper is aimed at contractors, designers and firestopping contractors

The white paper is a useful guide for anyone designing and managing the installation of service penetration seals, from main contractors to designers and firestopping contractors.

It is an invaluable resource for professionals looking to enhance fire safety in their projects. Because it’s your job to know.

Craig Wells, sales director at Quelfire, said: “The construction industry is starting to realise the responsibility it has when it comes to protecting people and property. Though it has taken a national tragedy and subsequent legislative changes to create the catalyst for change, change is happening.

“We at Quelfire will continue to test, share, and educate to support this change and, ultimately, create safer spaces. It is a pleasure to launch this campaign and white paper, which seeks to provide insight into best practices concerning the passive fire protection of service penetrations. Knowledge is power.”

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Quelfire launches campaign and white paper to ignite conversations on fire safety responsibilities
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