Pre-teens and young teenagers are being inspired to investigate careers in construction, thanks to the passion of some of the team at insulation specialist Actis

The latest event which gave students insight into careers in construction was at a Bedfordshire middle school, which invited south east area sales director Steven Ellis to share his love of thermal efficiency with a rapt crowd of youngsters.

Steven was one of a number of professionals, including representatives from the police, fire brigade and an architectural practice, talking to the youngsters at a Careers Carousel at
Marston Vale Middle School.

Associate assistant head teacher at the school, Emma Ramsay, said the day was inspirational for the ten to 13-year-olds.

A visual stand was created to engage in discussions with the pupils

“Steven set up a very visual stand for our pupils, which really helped to attract them. Pupil engagement from years five to eight was high, with both male and female pupils being really engaged. Steven was personable and enthusiastic about Actis and his industry. Many pupils came away discussing what insulation is, why it is important and what sort
of jobs are available within the sector. These career-rich discussions were brilliant to hear!”

She said they particularly enjoyed a competition to see who could make the tallest tower of Actis Hybris samples – with the winner managing 12!

Image courtesy of Acti

Steven talked about what a typical day in construction would look like

Steven added: “I was predominantly talking about careers in construction and manufacturing, and what my typical day-to-day and week would entail, such as visiting builders on site, offering specifications and liaising with our direct customers.”

Other members of the Actis team have been involved in recent years with educational activities aimed at encouraging young people to consider working in the industry.

Actis is working to encourage young women into the construction sector

Actis northern regional sales director and Women in Construction ambassador Jemma Harris has spoken to students at a Construction Industry Training Board careers event and a school in Yorkshire, with the aim of inspiring young women to reject stereotypes and follow their dreams of a career in a male-dominated profession.

South west area sales manager Tom Hendzel has helped out with lectures to construction trainees at Cornwall’s Truro and Penwith College. Another team member flying the flag for women in construction is specification manager Amaret Chahal, who has co-written the latest Actis CPD material.


Actis Insulation

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Actis continues its mission bringing young people into construction careers
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