As the construction industry grapples with the requirements of the Building Safety Act, one word keeps appearing: Competence

Architects and contractors have always had a responsibility to design and build competently but now this requirement is embodied in law under the Building Safety Act.

All projects now require a principal designer and principal contractor, and with those roles comes responsibility.

On the Building Control side, we too are having to shape up. We have always expected our professional staff to be competent but now they have to prove it.

Surveying staff need to be both qualified and proven as Registered Building Inspectors with the Building Safety Regulator by April 2024.

That evaluation process is now underway with CABE in particular providing a gold standard of proof of competence with stringent criteria for successful candidates.

In the interim, we have also launched Building Approvers to assist developers and architects with contemporary Building Regulations advice – a service we cannot provide through Building Consents as it acts solely as an Approved Inspector.

Competence alone is not enough. Consistency is the key to success

In any operation, though, competence alone is not enough. Consistency is the key to success.

Like a finely tuned machine, every cog needs to work in perfect harmony to ensure the desired outcomes. Here at Building Consents, we provide not only a professional and competent service but also a consistent application of technical regulations.

Shared values

At the heart of consistency is a shared understanding and alignment of our purpose, vision, values and goals through orientation training for both new and existing staff. This serves as a common platform for everyone to appreciate our vision.

Through this process of getting everyone on the same page, the service delivery becomes more harmonious and consistent. Simple but effective.

The importance of alignment cannot be overstated. It’s crucial for a smooth flow of operations and achieving the desired consistency in service.

Standard Operating Procedures

Well-defined and documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) form part of our overall Quality Management System (QMS).

They serve as the blueprint for our operations, outlining the expected performance standards, best practices and actions required for every procedure.

This not only enhances consistency but also boosts productivity and reduces errors.

Auditing and coaching

In order to maintain high standards, auditing plays a pivotal role in ensuring that they are not only adhered to but constantly updated to reflect any changes or improvements. Any deviations or shortcomings are identified and rectified to prevent future mishaps.

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) act as our compass, providing a clear picture of performance and helping us identify areas that need attention. Regularly reviewing KPIs has been vital to ensure everyone is aware of the progress and the areas that need improvement.

The communication of performance successes and opportunities is just as important. Celebrating achievements boosts morale, while acknowledging improvement areas encourages learning and growth.

We basically never lose a chance to get together and enjoy ourselves. Work without play is very dull indeed.

Accountability for standards

Being accountable is not merely about acknowledging mistakes. It is about taking responsibility and making sure that the standards are met.

All staff have a significant role in ensuring compliance with standards. Regular performance reviews are a great way to maintain our accountability. They provide a platform to acknowledge good performance, address any issues and discuss improvement strategies.

Consistency in action

In reality, consistency is about delivering the same high standard of service, time and time again. It’s the cafe that always serves a great cup of coffee, the mechanic who fixes your car right the first time or the Amazon driver that delivers your orders on time, every time.

It’s the building inspector who provides consistent advice and offers you a range of solutions.

Consistency benefits both the customers and the business. For customers, it gives them peace of mind and builds trust. For the business, consistency fosters loyalty, drives repeat business and boosts the bottom line.

Appoint Building Consents on your project and you’ll be sure to receive a consistent and competent service.

Unlike many in the Building Control profession here at Building Consents our team are optimistic about the new changes as it provides a welcome clearer approach to ensuring safety to our client’s projects; the new changes define responsibilities much better.

We’re comfortable spearheading the industry, setting an example for the new standards of professional behaviours to ensure a consistent and competent service.


Glyn Thomas

Managing director

Building Consents Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)800 999 1099


*Please note: This is a commercial profile. 

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Building Safety Act: Competence is not enough
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