OpenSpace reality capture was integral to the successful delivery of Nibbi’s $80m housing project and saved over $140,000 in associated costs

OpenSpace’s reality capture software has proven critical to establishing effective communication and collaboration, which are fundamental to a successful construction project.

When the right information isn’t available to the right people at the right time, there can be serious consequences ranging from inefficiency, suboptimal decision-making, and project delays to expensive rework, budget overruns, and safety issues.

Poor communication costs the construciton industry $17bn

An industry study conducted a few years ago revealed that miscommunication and poor project data are responsible for nearly half (48%) of all rework on U.S. construction jobsites. Survey participants blamed a quarter (26%) of rework on poor communication among team members.

The research further identified the driving factors of miscommunication on construction projects as unresponsiveness, poor collaboration, and the lack of a common platform allowing all stakeholders to share information and communicate.

Survey respondents also attributed a fifth (22%) of rework to poor project data, the leading causes of which were inaccurate data, difficulty accessing it, and an inability for stakeholders to easily share project information.

The upshot? The survey concluded that poor communication represented a potential yearly cost to the U.S. construction industry of $17bn, while poor project data represented a yearly cost of $14.3bn, together accounting for a potential cost of $31.3bn annually.

OpenSpace reality capture addresses these challenges head-on

The fact that construction projects are constantly evolving makes collaboration in construction all the more vital.

In any given construction project, you’ll find many individuals, teams, and partners—field engineers, project engineers, project managers, supers, specialty trade partners, architects, and owners, to name a few—each requiring access to data to get the job done, whether it’s knowing current jobsite conditions, the status of an issue resolution, the latest scheduling information, or myriad other project details.

On an ambitious $80m affordable housing project on Treasure Island near San Francisco, Nibbi Brothers General Contractors used OpenSpace reality capture to simplify tasks and collaborate seamlessly.

Access to real-time, AI-driven insights on the jobsite meant the team were able to leverage OpenSpace to swiftly provide a progress report and resolve issues. In this project, Nibbi saved $63,000 in avoided rework costs on one issue alone and eliminated $58,000 in travel costs.

When faced with uncertainty and challenges, it’s innovations like OpenSpace that enable us to overcome them. From time savings to problem mitigation, it has truly revolutionised how we operate at Nibbi – Luis Vindel, assistant project manager

We are honored to have Nibbi as one of our valued customers.  Assistant project manager Luis Vindel’s recently gave an informative presentation at this year’s Waypoint, our annual customer summit. He provided valuable insights on ways Nibbi is using OpenSpace to mitigate risk and streamline operations, among other use cases.

You can try out a free demo of OpenSpace reality capture now

Not using OpenSpace reality capture yet? Try it out right now with our free product demo. Click around and view real capture images of Nibbi’s project to see just how easy it is to navigate and collaborate.

The post How OpenSpace reality capture improves field and office collaboration appeared first on Planning, Building & Construction Today.

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How OpenSpace reality capture improves field and office collaboration
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