Bruce Barlean, a businessman and member of the International Prayer Council Board (IPC), struck a cord in me when during a retreat in his Sointula Lodge on Vancouver Island, he said that praying into the seasons and transition periods of our lives is necessary to live a healthy life.

Our lives are marked by times, seasons, intersections and transitions. The times and seasons of life are very critical milestones in our lives that we can hardly afford to ignore. We must pray into them, and invite God to guide us through them. The Psalmist said: “Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you,” (Psalms 32:9 NKJV).

The wise and sensitive pray into the different seasons of their lives for greater results. On the other hand, the unwise and insensitive just move on with life without taking note of the transition periods, and pay dearly for ignoring to watch over the significant parts of their lives.

For clarity, let us define some terms. Time means, “a duration, or measurable period during which an action, process or condition exists or continues.” On the other hand, “a season is a period characterised by particular conditions.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 gives us many examples of seasons we all face in life: times of birth, death, weeping and joy. Experiencing good and bad times in our lives is normal and is to be expected.

There is no one God has ever used or would ever use who would not have problems and difficulties. But for a child of God, prayer can ameliorate the difficult times and seasons of our lives. Satan works to tamper with the times and seasons of our lives to cause us discomfort, pain, grief and undue hardship. But we can stop him through prayers and bring the different seasons of our lives to align with the will of God for us.

David acknowledged that the times of his life are with God, thus he prayed: “My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me,”(Psalms 31:15 NKJV). The enemy is out to tamper with the seasons of our lives and bring us into unnecessary difficulties. In Psalm 71:6, 17, and 18, David mentioned the three seasons of his life, namely: his birth, his childhood and his old age, he then asked God not to forsake him in his old age. David lived up to 70 years and successfully handed over the throne and the responsibility of building the temple to Solomon (1 Chronicles 22:6-16). It is very important to submit to God in the different seasons of our lives for his protection and safekeeping.

Bruce Barlean, then, gave this practical example of some who have transited from their work life into retirement only to die suddenly, probably, because they did not manage the transition prayerfully.

Also, some have entered into the different seasons of life unguardedly, which has resulted in unpleasant experiences, which could have been avoided if they had intentionally prayed for God’s help. Unless it is well guarded and monitored by prayer, transiting from spinsterhood to married life could alter the lives of many and throw some out of emotional and psychological equilibrium. Marriage and pregnancy are two transition points that radically transform the lives of some people if it is not well managed through prayer and fasting.

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Praying into different seasons and transition periods of your life (1)
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