A survey by the Association for Project Management (APM) has found that 30% of construction project managers believe the skills gap is ‘getting worse or not improving’

According to a new survey by the Association for Project Management (APM) has found that project managers who work in construction think the skills gap in their sector is either getting worse, or not improving.

Ahead of National Apprenticeship Week 2024 (February 5-11), APM surveyed over 1,000 project management professionals in several UK sectors, including construction, in the poll carried out by national research company Censuswide.

Key survey findings include:

When asked if they thought the skills gap was getting better or worse in their sector, 29% of the construction project managers said it was either staying the same (25%) or getting worse (4%)
66% said it was getting better, and 5% said there wasn’t a skills gap in their sector
one in seven (14%) construction project managers believe there were not enough skilled project professionals to deliver projects successfully in their sector and region

Professor Adam Boddison OBE, chief executive of APM, said: “For decades, the UK has been beset with skills shortages caused by many entrenched and complex reasons, from digital transformation to post-Covid effects, and it is alarming that around three in 10 project management professionals in the construction sector think the problem is either getting worse or staying the same in 2024, despite all the well-publicised and well-intended initiatives in recent years.

Respondents were asked for long-term solutions to the skills gap

40% of those who thought the skills gap was worsening thought that apprenticeship programmes and recruiting from other professions or sectors were suitable solutions.

This was followed by on-the-job training, as well as additional training at college, university or apprenticeship level (both 34%), while 10% said ‘I don’t see the skills gap being bridged’.

Adaptability/Flexibility (63%) was the highest-rated option when respondents were asked to pick which skills were most needed, followed by organization and risk management (both 38%).

More apprenticeship programs are needed

The APM survey also found that one in six (16%) construction project managers said their organisation doesn’t run an apprenticeship programme for project professionals.

Professor Boddison continued: “This year’s theme for National Apprenticeship Week is ‘Skills for Life’ and construction employers should embrace a culture of constant upskilling and retraining, with artificial intelligence, e-commerce and automation transforming how we live and work at a rapidly increasing rate.

“And while it is positive to see many organisations investing in skills by offering apprenticeships, there is a sizeable minority who aren’t doing so currently.”

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Skills gap worsening, say 3 in 10 construction project managers
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