In like 4:5-8, the devil made a trade proposal to Jesus. It was a primitive trade by barter. By reason of the fall of man in the beginning, he said the glories and the powers of the world were handed over to him. He, therefore, proposed that for Jesus to have an effective ministry here on earth, he would give him all the powers, wealth and influence he needed if only he could bow and worship him. Jesus immediately rebuked him. There are a lot of persons in life, today, who have traded their souls knowingly or unknowingly to the devil just for the pleasures and pride of this world. I pray for you that wherever there is a plan or a market prepared for the trade of your soul, may that market catch fire in Jesus’ name.

A woman narrated that many years ago she was very sick to the point of death, so her relatives carried her to a witch doctor who performed some rituals for her healing. She was, indeed, cured from the sickness, but she observed a strange development. She said whenever anyoneoffends her, she would turn into a lion in her dream and attack the person. By the break of day, that person would die in reality. This horrible incidence continued until her children discovered and brought her to me for prayer and deliverance. Her second son was her last victim. He woke up one morning with lacerations and scratches all over his body like from the claws of a lion and then he died shortly after. She got her healing from the witch doctor in exchange for such demonic power. What will a man gain in exchange for his soul? Thanks be to God for His great deliverance for her soul after I had a prayer session with her. Every attempt by the enemy to capture your soul will backfire in Jesus’ name.

In Rev 18:10-13, we see certain things about the Babylonian system. They specialise in capturing and selling the souls of men. Babylon in this context is not just a city, but a world system the devil organises. Nimrod, the great hunter, founded it. In this present dispensation there is a spiritual Babylon in existence. It is a system that is rebellious against God, characterised by idolatry, occultism and the promotion of false worship. It encourages the worship of anything or person including self, so long as it is not God. There are basically three aspects of the Babylonian system.

The first is the Political Babylon, which includes the kings of the earth, that is, the power and authority to rule. There is the Commercial Babylon, which refers to the merchants of the world and thirdly, the Religious Babylon, which refers to the false prophets.

In the area of politics, it is difficult for a man to rise to certain position if he does not belong to the system. They engage in cultic practices and some even sacrifice their loved ones to attain certain positions. So, when you see them ready to die for political positions, it is because they have paid so much for it.

Also, in the commerce and the entertainment industry, some of the main key players belong to the system. It is difficult to compete with them without a backup from God. We can see what those who want religious, political or commercial power in this Babylonian system get in exchange for their souls.

Prayer Points
• Oh Lord, I surrender my life to you, I resist any devil planning to trade my soul.
• Any power or personality in my family trading with the souls of men, die by fire.
• Any dark market where my soul or souls of the good members of my family is being traded, catch fire in Jesus’ name.
• Whosoever that wants to trade my soul in exchange for fame or influence in life, die by fire.
• Warri, Delta State. Divine Touch Int’l Prayer line: +2348135952623

• Every system established in the realms of the spirit for religious, political or commercial trading of the souls of men, expire by fire, in Jesus’ name.

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Soul traders – Part 1
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