Lara Dresser, sustainability scientist, and Nora Von Xylander, biodiversity specialist and sustainability scientist, Tunley Environmental, explore the impact of BNG regulations on housing developments, effective from January 2024

The preservation and conservation of biodiversity have become increasingly important in the face of rapid urban development and the need for new housing in the UK.

As a response to this concern, BNG Regulations have been implemented to ensure that new housing developments have a positive impact on biodiversity.

About Biodiversity Net Gain

BNG is a mandatory requirement for developers and landowners in England under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by the Environment Act 2021).

It ensures that development projects have a measurable positive impact on biodiversity compared to the pre-development state.

There are six statutory instruments which will become law when BNG goes live in January 2024. The key factor in the regulations is that a 10% increase in Biodiversity Net Gain must be achieved in order to reach compliance.

Who BNG affects

The environmental regulation breakthrough that BNG has initiated are aimed at developers, more specifically:

Major developments (mandatory from January 2024)
Small sites (from April 2024)
Nationally significant infrastructure projects (from late November 2025)
Land managers in the BNG market
Local planning authorities (LPAs)

Understanding BNG assessment

BNG Assessment is a crucial component of the BNG Regulations. It involves a comprehensive baseline evaluation of the existing biodiversity (pre-development) on a site and the net loss, or net change of biodiversity (post-development).

BNG assessments further build off the baseline assessment by quantifying how the previously acknowledged biodiversity net loss in post development can be either prevented or considered by creating or enhancing habitats to result in Biodiversity Net Gain (or a restoration of the impact from development).

This assessment provides developers and local authorities with insight into the number of biodiversity units lost or gained from a project. Biodiversity units will be measured on factors such as size, quality, location and type of development.

By understanding the current state of biodiversity and the potential impacts of development, stakeholders can make informed decisions to minimise harm and maximise the protection and preservation to biodiversity that we all depend on for valuable ecosystem services. To comply with the regulations, developers will need to ensure a 10% net gain in biodiversity is achieved.

Biodiversity metric 4.0

The Biodiversity Metric 4.0 (now known as the Biodiversity Statutory Metric) is a tool used to measure and assess the impact of development on biodiversity.

It provides a standardised approach for evaluating the biodiversity value of a site and determining the level of Biodiversity Net Gain required.

By using this metric, developers and local authorities can make informed decisions about how to achieve the desired level of Biodiversity Net Gain and ensure compliance with BNG Regulations.

Learn more about Biodiversity Statutory Metric (biodiversity metric 4.0) here:

The importance of Biodiversity Net Gain in housing developments

BNG refers to the process of ensuring that the biodiversity value of a site is enhanced after development is completed. This means that new housing developments should leave the environment in a better state than before.

BNG Regulations recognise the vital role that biodiversity plays in ecosystem health, climate change mitigation, and overall well-being.

By prioritising Biodiversity Net Gain, housing developments can contribute to the preservation and restoration of natural habitats, improve air and water quality, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents.

“Our goal is to assist developers and organisations in creating and promoting sustainable developments which will preserve and enable biodiversity thrive.,” said Tara Garraty, Biodiversity Specialist and Sustainability Scientist at Tunley Environmental.

How BNG Regulations are shaping new housing developments

BNG Regulations have had a significant impact on the design and planning of new housing developments.

Developers are now required to consider biodiversity as an integral part of their projects, from the early stages of site selection and design to the final landscaping. This shift in focus has led to innovative approaches, such as incorporating green roofs, creating wildlife corridors, and implementing sustainable drainage systems.

As a result, new housing developments are becoming more environmentally friendly and providing enhanced habitats for wildlife.

Challenges and considerations in implementing BNG Regulations

While BNG Regulations have brought about positive changes, they also present challenges for developers and local authorities.

One of the main challenges is the availability of suitable land for development that also has the potential for Biodiversity Net Gain. Balancing the need for housing with the preservation of biodiversity can be a complex task.

Additionally, the costs associated with implementing BNG measures and maintaining them over time can pose financial challenges.

However, with proper planning, collaboration between stakeholders, use of third-party biodiversity consultants, and innovative design strategies, these challenges can be overcome.

The role of developers and local authorities in achieving BNG Goals

Developers and local authorities play a crucial role in achieving BNG in housing developments.

Developers need to incorporate biodiversity considerations into their design and construction processes, ensuring that BNG goals are met.

Local authorities, on the other hand, are responsible for enforcing BNG Regulations, providing guidance to developers, and monitoring compliance.

Collaboration between developers, local authorities, and biodiversity consultants is essential to ensure that BNG goals are effectively achieved.

BNG and the planning process

The statutory framework for BNG operates as a post-permission process, necessitating the submission and approval of a Biodiversity Gain Plan after planning permission has been granted.

This plan ensures the securement of onsite biodiversity gains as identified in the approved development plans, allocation of offsite biodiversity gains, and potential purchase of biodiversity credits.

However, the significance of biodiversity net gain is emphasised throughout the planning process, aligning with the National Planning Policy Framework’s directive to identify opportunities for measurable net gains in biodiversity.

The pre-application phase encourages early consideration of biodiversity net gain, influencing site selection and design.

Applicants are urged to engage with local planning authorities upfront to assess whether their proposals fall under BNG requirements, providing an avenue for feedback and consideration of the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy.

Minimum national information requirements for planning applications subject to the general biodiversity gain condition aid in evaluating existing habitat baselines. Local planning authorities may request additional details on proposed strategies, making biodiversity net gain a key determinant in planning application decisions.

Post-approval, ongoing monitoring and potential enforcement actions rest with local planning authorities to ensure compliance with BNG conditions and obligations.

30-year BNG management plans and their impact on the development landscape

To ensure the securement of significant on-site and all off-site biodiversity gains, land managers are obligated to monitor and maintain the desired target BNG for a minimum period of 30 years.

This 30-year period should begin from the time that the agreed initial habitat creation or enhancement is completed. Accordingly, DEFRA and Natural England have developed the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP), which serves as a structural template and guide to comply to these BNG legal commitments.

By emphasising on a long-term perspective, the HMMP aims to create a resilient and ecologically balanced habitat that not only supports diverse flora and fauna but also actively contributes to a net increase in biodiversity.

This extended time frame allows for the meticulous observation of the effectiveness of biodiversity enhancement measures, ensuring that the land management practices employed contribute positively to the environment over the long term.

The housing development landscape is thus evolving, harmonising development initiatives with ecological sustainability, fostering a legacy of enhanced biodiversity that benefits both present and future generations.

The future of BNG regulations and their impact on housing developments

As awareness of the importance of biodiversity continues to grow, it is likely that BNG Regulations will strengthen in the future.

This will further shape the landscape of new housing developments by placing even greater emphasis on Biodiversity Net Gain.

Developers and local authorities will need to adapt to these changes, incorporating innovative design strategies, utilising advanced assessment tools, and collaborating with biodiversity consultants.

By doing so, they can create housing developments that not only meet the needs of residents but also contribute positively to biodiversity conservation.

The bottom line

BNG Regulations will bring about a significant shift in the way housing developments are planned and executed.

By prioritising Biodiversity Net Gain, developers and local authorities are shaping new developments to have a positive impact on the environment.

While challenges exist, the implementation of BNG Regulations will lead to the creation of enhanced habitats for wildlife.

As we move forward, it is imperative that all stakeholders continue to work together to achieve the goals of Biodiversity Net Gain.

The post The impact of BNG regulations on housing developments appeared first on Planning, Building & Construction Today.

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The impact of BNG regulations on housing developments
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