No one begins an affair while still in a relationship, expecting to get caught in the act of infidelity. The discovery of cheating by the second party can be devastating, destroying the foundations of the supposed trust in the relationship. Yet, as much as we may wish to believe that our misdeeds will forever remain hidden, the reality is that the truth still comes to light.

A recent study on 1000 people by revealed the most common ways cheaters get exposed. By snooping through text messages and the confessions of the “other person” in the relationship, here are the top 9 ways cheaters get caught in relationships.

1. Text messages/DM (22.94%)

The most common way that cheating partners are caught is through text messages or direct messages (DM). It is not an uncommon act for suspicious partners to snoop through their partner’s phone. But this act eventually often reveals incriminating evidence of infidelity that could lead to the end of a relationship. The study finds that 40.2% of millennials have been caught cheating through their partners checking their texts.

2. Had a hunch (21.83%)

Man and woman arguing. Photo – Pexels / Keira Burton

In over 21% of the cases, the partner had a gut feeling that something was off, leading to them confronting their partner about the suspected infidelity. Furthermore, this method, driven by intuition, can sometimes uncover the truth, sometimes even without evidence.

3. Informed by others (21.28%)

The “others” in question are most likely friends, family, and acquaintances. These people sometimes are aware of the cheating and decide to inform the betrayed person.

4. Physical evidence (19.82%)

Tangible physical evidence like stray condoms, receipts, flowers, and items belonging to the other person serve as clues that could allow the betrayed partner to uncover the truth.

5. Witnessed it firsthand (19.27%)

Furthermore, the fifth most common method of uncovering infidelity is through witnessing it firsthand. Arguably the most painful, this is the most direct way to expose a cheater. Also, this can occur in public places or even in their own homes.

6. Found out on a dating app (18.72%)

Dating apps created for meeting potential new partners are now a common ground for discovering infidelity. Many cheaters are caught when their profiles are found on these platforms, often still active and engaging with others. But this begs the question, what is the partner who discovered it also doing on a dating app?

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7. Told by “The Other Person” (18.53%)

Oftentimes, “the other person” in the relationship decides to reveal the truth to the betrayed partner. This can be due to guilt, revenge, a desire to come clean, or whatever other dynamic the relationship has.

8. Personal confession (18.17%)

The study finds that 26.01% of millennials are most likely to confess to cheating, compared to 18.17% of their Gen-Z counterparts. Another way of looking at it is that perhaps the younger generation might feel they have nothing to lose, while the older people feel a tad more guilty, possibly due to the commitment of marriage and involvement of children.

Additionally, personal confession could come as a result of guilt, pressure of getting caught, or certain circumstances.

9. Credit Card Statements (15.41%)

Finally, financial records can also reveal cheating. Debit alerts and charges on credit card statements often lead to questions. According to the survey, 16.27% of men are caught cheating through their credit card statements. Also, this could be attributed to the fact that it is usually the man who plans and pays for the dates and getaways.

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Top Ways Cheaters Get Caught In Relationships, Study Reveals
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