Q4 construction wages were down by 0.7% compared to the third quarter in 2023, but up by a below-inflation 3.1% on the previous year, according to BCIS

According to the Building Cost Information Service (BICS), construction wages were down in the latter end of 2023.

The latest Hays/BCIS Site Wage Cost Indices shows unskilled and semi-skilled labour growing by an average of 0.4%, as a result of the National Living Wage increase.

However, skilled building trades saw wages decline by 2.8% and skilled M&E wages shrank by 0.8%. Plant operatives saw no change in either direction.

Compared with 2022, unskilled and semi skilled labourers saw a 7.7% wage rise and skilled building trades wages increased by 1.8%, year on year.

Skilled M&E trades wages rose by 5.7%, whereas the wages of plan operators stayed flat across the year.

The change is principally driven by decreasing workloads

BCIS solutions architect Paul Burrows, who compiles the indices for BCIS and recruitment firm Hays, said: “While unskilled rates are being pushed upwards by increases to the National Living Wage, declining workload is pushing rates down for the higher skilled roles and in the middle we have no movement.

“Overall, this is compressing the wage scale for construction site labour, effectively reducing the gap between the highest and lowest paid grades.”

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Construction wages down by 0.7% in Q4 2023
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