In 2023, Imerso became a trailblazing AI tool in AEC, transforming construction site supervision with its integration of BIM, Reality Capture, and AI. Kristijan Vilibić, CEO and founder, Mastery of Digital, explores  Imerso’s cloud-based accessibility, analytics, and adaptive pricing, illustrating its pivotal role in modern construction management

In 2023, Imerso was recognised as one of the most influential AI tools for AEC. By combining BIM, Reality Capture, and AI technologies, the platform enables its users to automate construction site supervision and quality inspections within one workflow.

Since its foundation in 2015, Imerso has been enabling construction companies to avoid project risks and delay costs with real-time monitoring of site status and work quality.

Its integration with BIM and laser scan data makes it an essential tool for modern construction management. The cloud-based nature of Imerso ensures easy accessibility from anywhere, simplifying the process by eliminating the need for local installations and high-end computers.

Furthermore, it has an inclusive user policy that supports an unlimited number of team members on each project. This approach promotes a collaborative work environment, ensuring that every team member has real-time access to crucial project data.

How does Imerso work?

The core strength of Imerso lies in its integration with BIM files. This integration is crucial for setting and achieving accurate performance targets throughout the construction process, as Imerso continuously compares the actual onsite construction scan with the original BIM plans.

This ongoing comparison is key in ensuring that the construction stays true to the planned design.

During this comparison process, Imerso effectively detects any discrepancies or issues between the As-Built status and the BIM plans. The users can then review the issues and share them with each other.

Acting as a warning system, Imerso provides real-time updates on construction status, flagging problematic deviations from BIM plans. This feature enables teams to address issues promptly, reducing guesswork and unwelcome surprises.

Project dashboard and analytics

The project dashboard offers a comprehensive overview, displaying graphs of issues and resolutions, and providing actionable analytics that reflect the project’s status.

Users can assess project progress at a glance, identifying areas of concern and tracking improvements over time.

Issues Overview

The platform excels in documenting and categorising detected issues. This module offers users the ability to access every issue with ease.

The issue reports can be exported in various formats, including BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) and PDF, providing a comprehensive and versatile means to eliminate construction risks and enhance team efficiency by identifying and preventing intolerances between what is stated in BIM plans and what is actually being built.

Floor plan navigation

The floor-plan page takes the 2D models of each floor and automatically tags the location of every onsite scan, as well as any detected work issue.

This allows teams to rapidly communicate the position of issues, as well as keeping track of which areas have not yet been checked.
3D viewer

3D viewer enables users to interactively engage with both point cloud and BIM data, offering a comprehensive view of the project in three dimensions.

Key tools in this viewer include sectioning and measuring, which greatly enhance the user’s ability to visualise and understand the details of the situation onsite.

Functionality and performance

The workflow with Imerso begins with users uploading their BIM models. This initial step sets the stage for the software’s key function: continuously comparing the As-Built status on the construction site with the original BIM plans.

At this stage, users can begin capturing their jobsites with any 3D laser scanner, and upload the results to the platform for processing.

Once the comparison is complete, Imerso generates a list of detected issues, filtering them into one of three primary categories: Missing, Misplaced, or Within Tolerance. This categorization simplifies the process of identifying and addressing each issue based on its nature and severity.

When reviewing issues, users can decide to report them and share with the responsible teams through pushing the data into the project’s CDE.

Imerso can automatically update BIM models into As-Built BIM Models

Reported issues are enriched with a wealth of detail and contextual information, so issues can be rapidly understood and resolved faster.

For issues that do not require onsite Rework, the software has the capability to automatically update the BIM models to reflect the current onsite As-built.

This functionality is crucial as it can transform the original BIM models into updated As-Built BIM models in seconds, which accurately reflect the real-life status of the construction project.

BIM deviations

Let’s consider a scenario where a column is marked as ‘misplaced’. This is a clear indication of a deviation between the BIM model and the actual scanned edge of the column as it exists on the construction site. We can see the deviation represented in millimeters.

Users can use the Move Element command to snap the deviated BIM element to the scanned edge. Save Fix updates the BIM model, ensuring that it accurately represents the current status of the construction project.

Scan deviations

Imerso can also reveal the scan deviations against the BIM model.

For example, here is a visible deviation present on a wall. The heatmap highlights the differences and provides specific points that tell you exactly how much the wall deviates from the BIM model.

BIM clashes

Imerso also offers the capability to compare future BIM elements with the current scan data.

For instance, in this situation Imerso identified a potential clash between a scanned column and a planned pipe installation.


Imerso offers an adaptable annual subscription model where costs are based on the number of projects and the amount of data used, ensuring a flexible and scalable solution for various project sizes.

The subscription includes options for data capacity similar to a mobile phone plan, rollover benefits for unfinished projects, and unlimited team members at no extra cost.

Before buying, you can take a free self-service product tour.

Customer support and resources

The platform offers dedicated onboarding included in all subscriptions, ensuring that users can get started quickly and efficiently, typically in less than two hours. Moreover, they provide free technical support to every team member and a database of informative articles.

Reflecting on my experience with Imerso, it’s evident that this tool is a significant asset in the construction management landscape. Its blend of a user-friendly interface, detailed project monitoring capabilities, and a practical pricing strategy aligns well with diverse project needs.

Imerso feels more like a partner in the construction process, contributing to a smoother, more precise, and collaborative project flow. It’s a solution that genuinely understands and addresses the complexities of modern construction management.


Kristijan Vilibić

CEO and Founder

Mastery of Digital

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Imerso: Bridging the gap between BIM Models and Real-World construction
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