Real-time scheduling tool SymPlan offers a total bird’s eye view of live project data fed directly from site

SymTerra, the construction management software for real-time updates and reporting from site, has launched SymPlan – a real-time scheduling and workflow feature that for the first time connects scheduling, BIM and construction management with the full supply chain on one platform.

Building on SymTerra’s record-right-first-time site reporting tool, which captures data at the point of work, the launch of SymPlan completes SymTerra’s end-to-end project reporting approach to eliminate risk and hidden costs that result from reporting inaccuracies, difficulty accessing historic data and weak chain of evidence required for commercial defensibility.

Providing project managers with a birds-eye view of data across the supply chain

SymPlan provides project managers with a bird’s eye view of all site data across the supply chain to feed into project reporting – scheduling and workflows – with a level of accuracy and timeliness never before seen in construction.

From technical queries through to snagging and commissioning, this brings a project’s real-time data under one roof.

SymPlan allows project management teams the visibility and control to spot and mitigate risk, measure performance in terms of quality, schedule, and safety across the entire supply chain.

This ultimately reduces time waste and eradicate errors from project reporting.

The impact of inaccuracy and error in construction is profound

John Ryan, co-founder and director, said: “Scheduling and workflow management on projects have been top-down since time began; the way information is sourced and reported on – from cost to resource loading – hasn’t changed much since Henry Gantt himself came up with a chart concept over 100 years ago.

“It is inconceivable that project managers today are still manually drawing from multiple static documents – with information sometimes two weeks old – to feed into project reviews that are meant to give control and visibility to drive progress and mitigate risk.

“The impact of inaccuracy and error in construction is a well-documented; multi-billion-dollar rework and disputes risk that is paralysing both to the progress of projects and the profitability for construction firms in this economic and regulatory climate.”

Since the launch of the SymTerra site management platform in 2022, capturing bottom-up BIM data and live reporting from site and eliminating reliance on high-risk alternatives such as WhatsApp, the team has been working with users and customers to expand its application further upstream to complete the information management puzzle.

Scheduling and workflows that feed into project reviews are the next big “data” gap on the information management journey of any project; and for project managers, planners, health & safety teams and quantity surveyors, reporting has never been an exact science.

SymPlan is the first real-time scheduling tool that links site to programme

Sarah Crawley, co-founder and director, said: “SymPlan is the first scheduling tool that links site to the programme, combined with the SymTerra app to put the right digital tool in the hands of site teams capturing accurate data at the point of work – recording it right first time.

“This is the final, missing piece in the data puzzle, giving project managers full control, access and visibility; a never-before-seen level of detail they need to understand the impact of change on programmes and the ability to review historic data to apply greater efficiencies on projects moving forward. It’s the bird’s eye view in one single source of truth, powering your projects.”

Tanja Kufner, head of start-ups & venture investments at the Nemetschek Group, an early investor in SymTerra, said: “Driving innovation and digitisation throughout the entire value chain of construction is central to our strategy, and SymTerra is playing a role in pushing the industry closer to bridging the data gap.

“We’re excited to support the launch of the SymPlan feature and to see how the SymTerra platform can provide the end-to-end, seamless reporting infrastructure missing in the sector today. This can only mean greater efficiency at scale across construction and, importantly, will help eliminate critical risks associated with data inaccuracy and miscommunication, which are impacting productivity and profitability.”

SymTerra was created by John Ryan and Sarah Crawley, construction site experts turned innovators on a mission to fix construction’s information management legacy; a record-right-first-time approach that starts from the ground up – putting digital tools in the hands of those on site to capture data at the point of work.

Eliminating the need for reliance on WhatsApp and multiple sources of information, SymTerra has taken on construction’s historically absent, incomplete, outdated and incorrect data gap.


*Please note: This is a commercial profile. 


Pia Choudhury

PR and Comms Advisor


Tel: 07786 80606



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Symterra powers first real-time scheduling tool linking site to programme
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